We specialize in custom orders. If you are looking for something and cannot find it, we are happy to try to order it for you. We have sources for many items that are hard to find in stores such as Sterling or Gold Medic Alert bracelets, Money clips, cuff links, baby jewelry, etc.
We can design a ring to your specifications based on your idea, etc. We do the design in wax, get your approval, then cast the item using our metal, (gold or sterling silver) or we can use your metal. We make the item by the Lost Wax Casting method. Estimates are given before we begin the design and a down payment of at least 25% is required.
We also customize ready made jewelry for your gemstones or diamonds. We are able to supply the necessary parts to make a piece of jewelry that fits your needs and budget. We work very hard to give you a great value for your money. We pride ourselves in keeping the cost low and the quality high.